School Uniform

We are very proud of our school uniform and how smart it makes us look!

School Uniform

  • Grey skirt, grey knee-length shorts, grey straight-leg trousers or grey pinafore
  • White long or short sleeved blouse/shirt (or an embroidered or white polo shirt in the Summer)
  • Maroon and gold school tie
  • Maroon cardigan or jumper (plain or embroidered with the school logo)
  • White, grey or black sacks/maroon or grey tights
  • Black sensible school shoes
  • From Easter, a red/white checked summer dress may be worn. Black, brown or white sandals may also be worn (with socks)
  • Some children choose to wear shorts under their skirt or dress for modesty.  These should be plain back or white.
  • Headscarves work for religious reasons should be plain and and either maroon, white or black in colour.

Indoor PE kit

  • Plain maroon shorts
  • House coloured T-shirt, plain or embroidered with the school logo
  • Footwear suitable for indoor games

Outdoor PE kit

  • Plain black, navy or grey tracksuit/leisure suit
  • Trainers

Swimming Kit

  • One piece swimming costume, trunks or swim shorts (not below the knee)
  • Goggles may be worn with parental permission
  • Long hair will need to be tied back or a swimming hat can be worn.

Children do not require large school bags or additional equipments.  Coats and school bags must fit on the coat pegs in the classroom.


  • Hair styles should be neat and tidy and promote our high standards of dress. Long hair should be off the face and always tied back with small, plain, hair accessories in black, white or maroon.
  • The school does not allow extremes of hair fashion i.e. no lines, cuts, patterns, shaved heads, or dyeing of the hair. Hair should look natural.
  • Headscarves worn for religious reasons should be plain and either, maroon, white or black in colour.


  • Children may wear small, plain stud earrings which must be removed for swimming and for PE lessons.
  • Watches may be worn at parents’ own risk but must be removed for all sporting activities. No Smart watches are allowed under any circumstances.

Uniform Suppliers

All uniform and kit can be purchased from the following suppliers:


Our uniform can be purchased at low prices from local supermarkets, such as, Asda, Tesco, Sainsburys etc.

In order to purchase the uniform with logo and the ties, please see the contact details for Uniform Direct below.

Uniform Direct

Babington Lane, Derby

Pre-Loved Uniform Sales

Information will be sent out in school newsletters.

Please make sure all items of clothing and personal property are clearly labelled, with your child’s name for easy identification.

Uniform Price List