Welcome to Year 3

Our Year 3 team is headed up by our class teacher, Mrs Downing!

Year 3 is a year of big change as we move into Key Stage 2.

In our classroom you will find a happy learning environment where all children are actively engaged in a creative and stimulating curriculum built upon the strong foundation our Catholic faith.

Contacting Me

If you have any questions, queries or concerns, please contact me on our class email address which is year3@djf.srscmat.co.uk.

I will do my very best to respond to you as quickly as I can (and definitely within 72 hours, excluding weekends and school holidays).

Due to teaching commitments, please note that I may be unable to respond between 8:30am and 3:30pm so, if your query is urgent, please contact the school office on 01332 572154 and they will get a message to me.

Our Learning – Advent 2


At St John Fisher, we use the Pathway to Writing Program to help us develop our writing. Throughout Year 3, we will explore different writing toolkits through the study of an exciting and engaging range of model texts. These texts serve as inspiration for both narrative and non-fiction writing.

Winter’s Child


In Maths we follow the scheme White Rose Maths. White Rose primary maths is designed to instil a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts using a full range of fun, inspiring classroom activities. It is broken up into small steps to support children to full understand what is being taught.



Branch 1 in our R.E sessions looks at Creation and Covenant. We will be looking at the Creation story in more detail and making links.

Science – Soil and Fossils

History – Stone Age

Design Technology- Digital world: Wearable technology- Designing digital wearable technology and developing a program and housing for a Micro:bit, this unit includes new teacher and pupil videos, with an increased focus on evaluation and the use of a virtual Micro:bit.


If you would like any more information on our curriculum, please follow the curriculum tab at the top of the webpage.

Year 3 Staff

Mrs Downing


Useful Links


Each week, we expect children to:

  • Read at least 3 times and record in reading diary (to be checked each Friday)
  • Practise spellings 4 times (in spelling book, checked every Friday) Weekly Practice Grid Spellings Advent 1
  • Spend at least 10 mins practising times tables on TTRockstars

Advent Homework Project

Over half term, please complete the activities which interest you most. This homework can be completed up until December!

Please send your homework into School so we can see it.

Stonge Age Half Term Homework

Year 3 Class Timetable

Y3 Timetable

Statutory spellings years 3 and 4

Statutory Spellings Years 3 And 4