Welcome to Year 1

Our class teacher is Miss Smith and she is assisted Mrs Mohammed, Mrs Wilcox, Mrs Decamps and Mrs Simmonds

In Year 1, we are making that tricky but exciting transition from Yr into Y1

Although we are learning to be more independent and record more of what we have learned, school life is still fun.

We still love to learn practically, using lots of different resources to help us with our learning. We also enjoy taking part in arts activities – we love to draw, paint, design and make new things.

Throughout Year 1 we strive to follow Jesus’ example by sharing, listening and showing respect to one another. We enjoy collective worship where we have time to reflect and think about all of the gifts God has given to us.

During Pentecost Term, Year 1 take part in a phonics screening check which assesses the children’s phonics knowledge in identifying and blending sounds. The phonics screening check  is a statutory reading check which all Year 1 children will take during the Pentecost Term. The check is designed to assess if each child has reached the age appropriate standard of decoding by the end of Year 1. We regularly listen to children read and practice blending with them so the format of the assessment in June will be very familiar to children.

During this year we will be taking part in some exciting experiences including visiting English Martyrs Church and Elvaston Castle and Grounds.

Year 1 Staff

Miss Smith

Mrs Simmonds

Mrs Mohammed

Mrs Wilcox

Useful Links


In year 1 we are continuing to build fluency in our reading so reading at home is important. We expect children to read for 10 minutes at least 3 times per week and children will receive house points for this. Every Friday children will have a spelling test, for Term 1 we will be focussing on Common Exception Words. For Maths, children should access Numbots for at least ten minutes which can be accessed below


If you are unsure of your login, please find me at the end of the school day. Once per term, we will also set a topic based creative challenge.

Common Exception words Year 1 and 2

Year 1/2 class timetable

Our learning this half-term:

In Writing, we are using Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers to help us build ideas for adventure writing. In Maths, we will be learning about place value to 50, this includes ordering, partitioning and comparing.  In Phonics, Year 1 children will be beginning to learn Extended Code Sounds. In RE, children are learning about creation, the Our Father,  the Creed and our responsibility to take care of the world.

In Art, children will be making concertina books to illustrate with scenes for characters using mark making drawing techniques. In  Geography, children are learning about the Alvaston, the UK and its landmarks. In Science, children are learning about animal groups, offspring, what humans need to survive and how to keep our bodies healthy. In Music, children are learning to create and replicate animal sounds and build their own pieces of jungle music. In Computing, children are learning what Information Technology is and how we can use it safely. In PE, children will be learning about health and fitness, and how to keep our bodies healthy.

Contacting me:

If you need to contact me you can either email admin@djf.srscmat.co.uk with FAO Miss Smith in your message. I will respond to you within 72 hours ,with the exception of weekends and school holidays. You can also write a note in your child’s school reading record on the left page, please ensure you make the child aware that they need to show this to the teacher because reading records are not always collected daily. You can also speak to me at the end of the school day once all other children have been collected.