
School Chaplaincy Team

At St John Fisher, we are very proud of our Y6 Chaplaincy team who promote the Catholic Ethos of our school.

Each one of the Pupil Chaplains had to apply for this important role by writing a letter and were successful in their interview with our school lay chaplain Mr Lowson and our previous chaplaincy team.

Our Pupil Chaplains are a very dedicated team who have a vital role in enhancing the Religious and Spiritual Life of our school. Their roles include delivering liturgical prayers for both class and school, supporting charities and fundraising events, and encouraging the children to live out our school mission statement.

Our Pupil Chaplains serve as good role models for the younger pupils in our school and also support our school faith behind the scenes.

Please keep our chaplaincy team in your prayers as they live out the message of the Gospel.

School Chaplaincy Team 2023-2024

Some of our Chaplains helping out at their events

Our Chaplain Mr Lowson leading some collective worship sessions