Our Y5 class teacher is Mrs Guidon, who is supported by Mrs Woolley.
Life in Year 5 is an enjoyable mix of hard work, friendship and most importantly; being a good disciple, in line with our Gospel Values.
Contact us
“The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose”
(1 Corinthians 3:8)
If you have any questions, queries or concerns, please contact me on our class email address which is year5@djf.srscmat.co.uk. I will do my very best to respond to you as quickly as I can (and definitely within 72 hours, excluding weekends and school holidays). Due to teaching commitments, please note that I may be unable to respond between 8:30am and 3:30pm so, if your query is urgent, please contact the school office on 01332 572154 and they will get a message to me.
Children are expected to complete a 5 minute session on TTRS at least 4 times a week. Children should use the Jamming, Garage and Soundcheck games to practise their multiplication facts.
By the time children reach Year 5, they should already be able to spell words from the Year 1/2 and Year 3/4 Common Exception Word lists accurately, in their independent writing.
This term, we are focusing on learning new words from the Year 5/6 Statutory Spelling List.
Each week children have up to 8 words to learn. The expectation is that the children practise these words in their spelling booklets 4 times, during the week. Children will need to support to look these words up in a dictionary, find out their meaning and practise using them in both verbal and written sentence. The spellings will then be tested on a Friday.
If you have lost your spelling booklet, you can access the spellings for the Advent term here:
Children will be provided with an age-related reading book and a reading record to take home. Children are expected to read at home a minimum of 4 times a week; this should be recorded in their reading record and signed by an adult. It is important that children experience a wide variety of texts; therefore, their home reading can include other texts such as poems, play scripts, magazines, information books and age appropriate newspapers (i.e. First News).
Useful Resources
Our Learning Environment
Coming Soon!
The Year 5 Blog
Watch this space for updates on the learning that is happening in Year 5.
Science – Dissolving Materials
Our first science topic of the year is ‘Materials’. We donned our lab coats for first time so that we could investigate which materials would dissolve. We revisited our knowledge of the molecular structure of solids, liquids and gasses to help us explain how some materials dissolve in water.
Guided Reading
Extending our wider vocabulary is a big focus as we move into UKS2. Every Monday, we explore the meaning of the new words featured in our texts. We were very excited to be using the ‘grown up’ dictionaries for the first time.

Geography – Making Compasses
After learning how a compass worked, we were keen to use our knowledge of magnets and the earths magnetism to make our own compasses. We we worked as a team to read the instructions. At the end of the session, we used a real compass to check that our compasses were accurate.
Science – Separating Solutions
Following on from our lesson on dissolving materials, we started to think of how we could separate materials. We used filtering, sieving and magnets to investigate which method was most suitable for the different mixtures we had been given.