“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14
Whole school attendance target – 97%
Our morning registration closes at 08:50
Our afternoon registration closes at 13:00
If your child is going to be absent from school, please ensure that you ring the school office to notify us of this, each morning of absence. The school office number is: 01332 572154
Illness at School
Should your child become ill at school, we have staff trained in First Aid and Paediatric First Aid. Parents are contacted if the sickness prohibits the child from learning.
It is therefore important that the school is notified quickly of any change in telephone numbers / addresses.
If you are unsure if your child is well enough to attend school, have a look at the documents below.
How days off over a school year can affect your child’s overall attendance %
Number of Days Absence | Attendance over one school year |
9.5 days | 95% |
19 days | 90% |
28.5 days | 85% |
38 days | 80% |
47.5 days | 75% |
57 days | 70% |
66.5 days | 65% |
How days off over a half term can affect your child’s attendance %
Number of Days Absence | Attendance % over 6 weeks |
2 days | 93% |
3 days | 90% |
5 days | 83% |
8 days | 73% |
10 days | 67% |
15 days | 50% |