Welcome to Year 6

Our Year 6 teacher is Miss Heath, who is supported by Miss Woolley.

This year is such a special time in our St John Fisher journey. We celebrate all that we have learnt and achieved, as well as how we have grown and the friendships we have made over our time in Primary School.

Throughout this year, we will prepare for the next stage of our education – Secondary School.

We understand the value of learning to be more independent and responsible. To help us in this, we will take on roles and responsibilities in our classroom and around school. We know how important it is, especially in Year 6, to set an excellent example to the other pupils in school, through our hard work and excellent behaviour.

Every morning, we will have English, maths and reading to develop our skills and understanding of these subjects. Our teachers will work hard to help us feel supported, prepared and confident. Their hope for us is that we will try our very best so that we can show everything we have learnt during our time at St John Fisher and be well-rounded learners.

This year, we will also be preparing for our SATs tests that take place in May.

Year 6 is a celebration of our time at St John Fisher. We will also be able to experience new and exciting things. This year we will enjoy a residential visit and there will be a special assembly, Mass and production at end of the year. We invite our school, home and parish community to celebrate with us. These events, as well as the whole of year 6, will give us special memories that we can take forward with us and carry with us for the rest of our lives.

Our learning topics in Year 6

In English, we will be covering a range of different genres of writing, learning and recapping all grammar and spelling rules as well as deepening our reading comprehension.

For Mathematics, we will recap all learning up to year 5 and focus on improving our reasoning and problem solving skills. We will also begin to explore more complex mathematical concepts, such as ratio and algebra.


Our topics for RE consist of:

  • Loving
  • Vocation & Commitment
  • Judaism
  • Expectations
  • Sources
  • Unity
  • Death and New Life
  • Witnesses
  • Islam
  • Healing
  • Common Good
  • Hinduism


  • The Circulatory System
  • Electricity
  • Light
  • Evolution and Inheritance
  • Living Things: Classification
  • Animals Including Humans: RSE


  • The Victorians
  • The Early Islamic Civilisation
  • WW2


  • Canada
  • Arctic and Antarctic Circles
  • The Earth’s Biomes

Year 6 Staff

Miss Heath

Mrs Woolley


Useful Links


Each week, we expect children to:

  • Read at least 3 times and record in reading diary (to be checked each Friday)
  • Practise spellings 4 times (in spelling booklet)
  • Spend at least 10 mins practising times tables on TTRockstars

Y5/6 Statutory Spellings

Y6’s Timetable – Advent 1


Please email any questions or concerns to:


Teachers are unable to reply within the school day; please expect a reply within 72 hours, excluding weekends and holidays.