Collective Worship


“The disciple is someone who is trying each day to move from a ‘me-centred’ relationship with Christ, to one that seeks to hear and respond to what Christ may be asking of them.” Pastoral letter of Rt Rev. Patrick McKinney, our Bishop, March 2019

Through our personal encounters with Christ, we hear and respond to his invitation to be his disciples through scripture and readings from the Gospel.

Acts of Worship

To fully understand God’s mission for us all on Earth, we hear his word through scripture each week by taking part in a range of Acts of Worship.


Fr Mark, our parish priest, leads us in mass each term to celebrate with our family, friends and parishioners. These masses are planned, prepared and delivered by the children and staff of St John Fisher linked to a specific theme to encourage us to reflect on our mission as disciples of God.

Whole School Gather and Pray

Every Monday, Mr Lobb or Mrs Campbell lead us in a whole school Gather and Pray. During this Act of Worship, we hear the scripture from Sunday’s mass and reflect on how we can live this out in our own lives throughout the week as a disciple of Christ.


Class Liturgies

At the end of each RE topic, children plan, prepare and deliver a special liturgy which concludes their learning and encourages children to reflect on the importance of sharing scripture with others.

Key Stage Gather and Pray

Every Wednesday, KS1 and KS2 gather together in their key stage to hear and respond to scripture readings from the Bible. This year, each class are focusing on key characters from the Bible and the scripture readings about their life.

These liturgies are planned, prepared and delivered by the children from each class. After each liturgy, the children get the opportunity to reflect on the words and responses they heard by completing a personal impact and evaluation.

We are now able to invite parents in to join us in collective worship.

Bishop’s Themes

The Year of the Word

Below our some of favourite hymns from Liturgical Prayer

Hail Mary - CJM Music

Lord I need You - Matt Maher

The Beatitudes Song

You are my all in all

Lord I need You - Matt Maher

Lord I lift your name on high

Open my eyes Lord

Bread of Life

Colours of Day

Walk in the Light

Shine Jesus Shine

God's Spirit is Free

Christ be our Light

Our God is a great big God

Sing it in the valleys

Here I am to Worship

Be still for the presence of the Lord

10,000 reasons

I'll Go Anywhere - Rend Collective Kids